Friday, October 9, 2009

Letter From Annie Richmond to Maria Clemm

October 10, 1849

October 10, 1849

Dear Muddy,

Oh my mother, my darling, darling mother oh, what shall I say to you. How can I comfort you? Oh, mother, it seems more than I can bear and when I think of you, his mother, who has lost her all, I feel that it must not, no, it cannot be. Oh, if I could but see you. Do, I implore you, come to Annie soon as possible. Come, dear mother, and I will be indeed a daughter to you. Oh, if I could only have laid down my life for his that he might have been spared to you but mother it is the will of God, and we must submit. And Heaven grant us strength, to bear it. We shall soon meet the loved and lost to us here, in that blessed world where there are no partings. Your letter has this moment reached me, but I had seen a notice of his death, a few moments previous in the paper. Oh, mother, when I read it, I said, no, no, it is not true, my Eddie can’t be dead, no, it is not so. I could not believe it, until I got your letter. Even now, it seems impossible. For how can it be? How can I bear it? And, oh, how can his poor, poor mother bear it and live? Oh God, is it not too much, forgive me mother, but I cannot bear to submit without a murmur. I know it is wrong, but mother I cannot. Had my own been taken, I could have been reconciled and comforted, for I have kind parents, brother, and sister left, but he was her all. God, in mercy comfort and sustain her, for it is more than she can bear. Pardon me if I add one pang to your grief, dear mother, but my own heart is breaking, and I cannot offer you consolation that I would now. But mother, I will pray for you, and for myself, that I may be able to comfort you.
Mr. Richmond begs that you will come on here, soon as you can, and stay with us long as you please. Do, dear mother, gather up all his papers and books, and take them and come to your own Annie who will do everything in her power to make you comfortable and reconciled to the bitter lot Heaven has ordained for you. Do not deny me this privilege, dear mother, my heart will nearly break if you do not come. Write me if but one word, soon as you get this. The mail closes in 10 minutes. I must stop.

My darling, darling mother, God in heaven bless and sustain you, and bring you safely to your own.



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